Tag: Church Of Christ

  • When Preachers Ask You For $$$ To Spread The Gospel

    When Preachers Ask You For $$$ To Spread The Gospel

    Did Jesus want us to give our money to an organization called “The Church”? Or did he want us to give to the church? Many preachers want us to give finances to an organization instead of giving to the body of Christ. It’s time we change how we practice Christianity. Let’s stop paying others to…

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  • Evangelize The World & Disciple One Another

    Evangelize The World & Disciple One Another

    Evangelism is good. Reaching all nations is good. But what message are you wanting to evangelize? The good news about Jesus or the name of a group and its Central Leader? “Discipling” as a verb is good. Fulfilling the “one another” passages is good. But does that mean we are to have one over another…

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  • Central Leadership: Kip McKean

    Central Leadership: Kip McKean

    Central Leadership was established by God throughout the scriptures. One in God’s Kingdom must not be self-governing (autonomous) but under the rule of their Central Leader. One might ask the following questions: Who is the Central leader of God’s church? Do the scriptures tell us? Can I be a Christian outside of the International Christian…

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