Central Leadership was established by God throughout the scriptures. One in God’s Kingdom must not be self-governing (autonomous) but under the rule of their Central Leader. One might ask the following questions: Who is the Central leader of God’s church? Do the scriptures tell us? Can I be a Christian outside of the International Christian Churches? Is the kingdom confined to just one organization?

After sending my resignation letter on December 14th, 2022. I received a marking letter from the leadership within the ICC on December 22nd 2022. Since that letter was read to every member on December 23rd, I have received messages from current ICC members from all around the world thanking us for taking a stand on this issue. Many people who have left have also reached out. I have found that many are confused about their salvation due to the misunderstanding of Central Leadership and Kip McKean.

I hope this message helps many Christians know they can have salvation in Christ Jesus outside of Kip McKean (Acts 4:12). I hope they stay within the body of Christ, which is not limited to the ICC alone, and continue to walk with Jesus everyday. To help others understand the history, along with the disunity caused in the body of Christ by Kip due to his belief of doctrinal differences; I have included the documents of Kip McKean’s resignation letter.

Let us pray for his heart to return to this place of humility; as claiming to have the place of leadership that belongs to Christ alone is a very scary place for him to be.


10 Responses

  1. Thank you for using God’s word as your standard and not man and church. Thank you for your courage to stand up for truth In spite of the consequences. Thank you for your example and we will be praying God will be glorified through this.

  2. Thanks for your sermon Coltin!

    Despite not ever having been an ICC/ICOC person, I found myself saying Amen to a lot of what you said! So thanks 🙂

    I really appreciated your pointing us to Jesus as being the head of the church (rather than someone or group of people on earth) as well as your teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit. I feel that the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit is very under-developed in the ICC from all the research that I’ve done. This is a shame, not only because there are really thick books that have been written by really smart people specifically about the person and work of the Spirit, but the fact that the Spirit’s work is often replaced by the leadership structures within the ICC.

    The mention of the “seat of Moses” in Matt 23 is an interesting one, as I’m still undecided if it’s meant to taken as a recognised office in Second Temple Judaism.

    Nevertheless, how good is it that Jesus is king!

    • Thank you for sharing. I look forward to hearing from you about your studies in Matthew 23 as we all continue to grow in our knowledge and maturity in the Lord.

  3. For those who love posting their top ten lists (you know who you are). Here’s one for ya!

    10 Fears That Crossed Every Paid ICC Leader’s Mind After Watching Coltin’s Sermon on Compulsory Giving:

    1. We won’t be able to COERCE single sisters to nanny for free.
    2. Who will we PRESSURE to take our professional family photos for free?
    3. We can no longer BULLY someone to make our 3-tiered wedding cake for free.
    4. Who will we FORCE to move us for free?
    5. We’re not going to be able to SQUEEZE campus students to do our ministry work for free.
    6. Who will we BROW BEAT to clean our house (from top to bottom) for free?
    7. No more CAJOLING members to run our errands for free.
    8. Who are we going to STRONG ARM to fix our computer issues for free?
    9. This includes DEMANDING members chauffeur our out of town guests for free.
    10. Freedom In Christ?!? Nonsense! Get this sermon taken down ASAP before any of the members see it!!!

  4. 1 John 2:20-24
    This passage cuts through it all.
    Declaring a man as “central leader”undermines the headship of Christ and cuts the people of God off from the Chief Shepherd, thereby stunting their spiritual growth and keeping them (co)dependent on people. Instead of Spirit lead, mutual submission you get tyranny. It doesn’t get anymore “antichrist” than that.
    Great job Colton…

    • Thank you for encouraging us with this scripture, and with your kind words. It means a lot to us. ~Mandee Rohn

  5. Brother, may the Spirit of Christ continue to bless you as you speak his words and fight for biblical truth!
    You are a catalyst for much healing within the restoration churches as a whole and especially those from the ICC and the ICOC.
    I am with you my brother as you are an answered prayer. You articulate the feelings that many have had over 40 years.
    Thank you, Curtis Reed

  6. Vualá!!!
    El que busca encuentra. El oscuro pasado de Kip McKean y su legalismo en ICC lo saben muchos y asi mismo lo esconden.
    A otros les cuesta trabajo entender que ese hombre se ha vuelto un dios que no volverá a la humildad porque se ha acostumbrado a destruir el alma y la fe de muchos.

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