Tag: bible

  • Unity Or Freedom In The Church

    Unity Or Freedom In The Church

    This video focuses on the tension between unity and personal freedom in Christianity, warning that calls for unity can be a facade for imposing false doctrine and control. It encourages viewers to discern and stand firmly in their freedoms in Christ, as instructed by the scriptures to prevent the loss of faith due to religious…

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  • Matthew 18 Has Been Done!

    Matthew 18 Has Been Done!

    The post discusses dissatisfaction with the ICC’s doctrines and highlights the right way to leave such a fellowship, according to Matthew 18:15-20. It assures that individuals need not fear manipulation, criticism, or slander in personal meetings, and there’s no need to voice concerns about false doctrines, as others have already done so.

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  • What is the ICC?

    What is the ICC?

    Once you see it, you can’t unsee it! There is a new Pope in town..

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  • When Preachers Ask You For $$$ To Spread The Gospel

    When Preachers Ask You For $$$ To Spread The Gospel

    Did Jesus want us to give our money to an organization called “The Church”? Or did he want us to give to the church? Many preachers want us to give finances to an organization instead of giving to the body of Christ. It’s time we change how we practice Christianity. Let’s stop paying others to…

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  • What Does Jesus Mean By “Fruit” In John 15?

    What Does Jesus Mean By “Fruit” In John 15?

    Lesson: bear fruit John 15:1-8 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I…

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  • Truth About “Making A Disciple” (Matthew 28:18-20)

    Truth About “Making A Disciple” (Matthew 28:18-20)

    STOP getting “re-baptized” if you were already baptized in accordance with the Scriptures! All you are doing is getting wet to join an organization. But you could also be speaking blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Here is a study on the teaching that one must be “made” into a disciple before baptism. Matthew 28:18-20 “Then…

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  • Exposing Kip McKean ICOC & ICC Deception With His Own Writings!

    Exposing Kip McKean ICOC & ICC Deception With His Own Writings!

    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me;” Hosea 4:6 In this video we will go through documents, that are all linked, so you can gain knowledge. What you do with that knowledge will be your choice. Prayerfully with knowledge…

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  • Evangelize The World & Disciple One Another

    Evangelize The World & Disciple One Another

    Evangelism is good. Reaching all nations is good. But what message are you wanting to evangelize? The good news about Jesus or the name of a group and its Central Leader? “Discipling” as a verb is good. Fulfilling the “one another” passages is good. But does that mean we are to have one over another…

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  • Forgiveness & Bitterness

    Forgiveness & Bitterness

    When Jesus asks us to “forgive” one another, it’s not what you think. And when the Bible speaks about “bitterness” it’s not what we were told! A study on Biblical forgiveness & bitterness to help your heart and your conscience. You have the freedom to feel! Forgiveness & Bitterness Notes

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  • The Rohn’s Journey Out Of The ICC

    The Rohn’s Journey Out Of The ICC

    We know our voluntary resignation and our departure from the movement has likely confused our partners in the gospel. We share this with you because we care for you deeply and hope to provide some clarity as to why we stepped down. Our goal is to not pull people away from Christ, but to give…

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