Stand For Truth
9 responses to “Stand For Truth”
Taking a stand for what you believe and can defend is an important part of following Jesus, The Christ. Being HIS disciple calls for firm resolve. Peter told us to be prepared in season and out to defend our faith accordingly.
I can definitely appreciate your position and I do know the difficulties standing up can lead to.
Coltin, It is tough when a preacher goes through this because unlike loosing a job it’s loosing a community that your children are so entwined in. It’s a tough loss for which I am praying for your family and for those close to you in the ICC. It’s Like trying to pull two pieces of paper apart that are glued together- no matter how gently you try damage is always left. When it comes to disfellowship I have two quotes. “Be careful when it comes to drawing lines of fellowship because you might be on the wrong side”. Second – “Never disfellowship anyone that Jesus wouldn’t disfellowship”. Obviously I don’t know all sides of the story but I do appreciate you having the guts to take a stand on your convictions in spite of the personal cost. Hang in there. I look forward to your future posts.
Hey Coltin and Mandee, I wonder if you could also provide a PayPal ID for people who want to support you guys but don’t have Cash App.
Thank you so much. https://paypal.me/ColtinRohn?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
No worries, glad to help! Please think of the gift as a “cup of water given in Jesus’ name” (Mark 9:41). Not sure if you’ll ever consider me a brother in Christ (I am a Reformed Baptist after all), but I hope you will one day. It really looks like you need a level of support until Coltin finds employment again. Praying for you!
God bless you Coltin and Mandee, healing might take time, reading the bible shows us people get persecuted for preaching the truth, I agree no-one should feel they have to give rather than want to give. 2 Corth 9v7 is there for a reason bro 🙂
Thank you for sharing. It is folks like you that stepped out in faith to even start the previous movements. Anything build not with God’s hands will crumble. I am praying for you guys and for your 3 precious girls.
Thank you for sharing this, I’m looking forward to the next one
I’m so encouraged by your courage to leave! I wish more people would speak up! God WILL expose everything done in secret/in the dark. It’s just a matter of time. I pray that many will be impacted in a positive way by your decision. Although you encouraged people to stay and focus on Christ, don’t be surprised if they leave also. I will be praying that God takes the plaster off people eyes so they can see the truth, and have the courage to uphold God’s WORD!
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