Marking From The ICC After Resignation

Marking From The ICC After Resignation

If you are calling people to obey the Bible, then how can the church “mark” you? “Marking” in the scriptures was for someone who was actually pulling others away from sound doctrine, away from the body of Christ… (Romans 16:17-21 KJV).

After failed attempts to respectfully reconcile doctrinal differences since July my wife and I voluntarily resigned, and departed from the membership of the ICC on December 14th, 2022. We pursued none of the membership, and I posted nothing on social media. When some wanted to follow us we encouraged them not too. Then with no warning, I received a marking letter on December 22nd. The entire Columbus ICC can tell you, I didn’t try to “take” any away from the ICC. I believe that one who needs a lot of structure and high accountability to avoid sin can benefit from remaining in the ICC. If someone believes them leaving the ICC is going to pull them away from Christ, then one such person should consider staying. Just know that advice is not getting permission, you should decide in your heart what to give, and God’s man is Jesus.

Personally, my wife and I could no longer stay in the ICC as I vowed to God at my baptism that I would not be a hypocrite. As a leader, I could not go against the scriptures for a man made tradition. See sermon @ 17mins…/ (This sermon was posted on the churches YouTube channel by our web ministry, and I deleted it before my resignation. It was re-posted after the unbiblical marking letter came out.)

Thankfully, the church is universal and not limited to one organization. I am still apart of Christ and His Kingdom!

This scripture rings true:

“All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.” John 16:1-2

This was my resignation letter sent to leadership December 14th; Their first response was the marking letter. Our hearts and phone lines are open if you would like to talk. We will try and get back with you at our earliest convenience.

Dear Kip & John,

I want to start by expressing my gratitude to you for all the training, love, sacrifice, and care over the years. You have taught me so much. You have believed in me, and given me responsibilities and opportunities I didn’t deserve. For that, I will be forever grateful. One conviction you have ingrained in me is to stand for what I believe in the scriptures, no matter the cost. 

I have been conflicted over the last seven months over the scripture 2 Corinthians 9:7 and our practices on getting money. I have been studying this scripture in greek, other translations, and every commentary. I have also reexamined many scriptures on giving.

I believe in giving consistently, sacrificially, and generously; To provide for the needs of brothers and sisters, church staff, and new church plantings. I also believe in commanding the rich to give, teaching the faith that one could not out-give God. I do not have a problem with these things.

However, I can not continue to practice giving people a number to raise, and if they do not have it, then they must push people to fundraise; Or tell people to donate a certain amount. I can not be under this system, as I believe this violates 2 Corinthians 9:7. 

I know that I can not fulfill my duties as an evangelist in the ICC, since this is one of the major focuses through out the year, being able to raise the amount commanded each Spring and Fall. I have been tormented over this, as I love the church, I love the movement, and I love being a preacher. But I value my walk with Jesus even more, and must keep a clear conscience. I can not, in a clear conscience, proceed as a member of the ICC as I believe this is a doctrine issue. 

In the parable of Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus shares about weeds being planted with the wheat. Although he is talking about disciples and nonchristians in the kingdom, I see this applying to “good” and “bad” doctrine. If one pulls up the weeds, it would up root some of the wheat. That is the last thing I want to do. For the sake of those who are saved because of the ICC (the wheat); I do not want to publicly take a stand on this issue (pull up the weed). I do not wish to take people with me. I do, however, plan to take my wife and kids with me. I do not want to be divisive. I do not want to be marked, I ask that you let me go peacefully. 

I know we have fallen behind on Central Admin and Mercy payments as a church. I know without me on the payroll, the church will be able to make it all up by February. I also know with the ERC money coming in, the church should have enough to be able to put more on Staff or bring someone in to lead. 

I have only talked to the Trujillos and the Esteps about us resigning. The Trujillo’s encouraged us with Ephesians 4 to fight for the unity of the Spirit and to not have any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths. The Esteps encouraged us to talk directly with you. 

I plan to tell the church tonight at midweek that we are stepping out of the ministry. I do not plan to share anything more on the issue at this time. I will ask Joe & Capil Estep to lead the church as they are the appointed Shepherds. 

With a heavy heart,

Coltin L Rohn


Sadly, a majority of the leaders that are listed on the marking letter did not even speak with us after our resignation was sent. The Causeys, The Shelbracks, The Adams, The Mckays and The Clarks did not have any conversations with us. There were no verbal or written warnings communicated. When many of the listed leaders came into town they made no attempts to meet with us. We did speak with the Esteps, and the Trujillos as noted in our resignation letter.

The response after eight days, 12/22/2022

These accusations detailed in the marking letter were just as much of a shock to us, as they likely were to all who read this. Shortly before our resignation Coltin and I were elevated to an overseer position for the work Coltin was doing as President of the ICCM for the Northern federation of churches.



8 responses to “Marking From The ICC After Resignation”

  1. Amy Middlebrooks Avatar
    Amy Middlebrooks

    Did you know that the Causeys were almost marked while they were in Washington DC & moved far away to Seattle and I was told that they too were ungodly and needed discipling? We as a staff were told to not contact them at all even if they reached out. We were told that they had lied and manipulated all of their “disciples” in their world sector. Again, I am happy to share more of my story… I’m so sorry that they are doing this to you.

  2. Amy Middlebrooks Avatar
    Amy Middlebrooks

    To the Rohan’s:
    I was baptized as a member of the church of Christ in 1991 in Philadelphia. I then was hired on staff by the Causey’s in 1997 for the campus ministry in Washington DC. I left the ministry in 1999 & moved to San Diego to help with my family.
    For 26 years, I was a part of the ICOC (once it was named that in like 1995ish) and have a history I would love to share with you regarding my experiences on staff and since. I love Jesus with all of my heart and feel the spirit is leading me to reach out to you. If you are at all interested in my experience I welcome an email and would love to talk. I don’t do email very well but if you contact me I would be happy to send my contact info. Many prayers for you and your family as you heal from this experience.

  3. Tommy Avatar

    Here’s a video link of Coltin’s sermon:

    Google how to download and save it from dailymotion and share it.

  4. […] about the leadership and their money raising policies before the wider ICC congregation. But sadly, he and his wife Mandee have already received a “marking” letter for being divisive and disruptive, which means church members are specifically asked to […]

  5. […] his position on 2 Corinthians 9:7. [Update 5th Jan 2023: it has later come to my attention that Rohn himself removed his last sermon on the YouTube channel by his own volition before he […]

  6. Tom Dickinson Avatar
    Tom Dickinson

    That letter of marking is nothing short of a disgusting display over corruption by a bunch of people who don’t want to be called out. I guess the truth hurts. Keep standing for what you believe in.

    1. Ako Avatar

      You did what any follower of Jesus Christ would’ve done. Stand against corruption and abuse. The ICC is a movement working against everything Jesus stood for. The ICC isn’t God’s movement. It’s Kip Mckean’s empire.

  7. Mary Avatar

    I applaud you and your wife for making the bold decision to leave the cult. I just hope more people speak up and expose the church, especially Kip! And just like that they encourage every member to disown you– typical Kip move. I admire your boldness.

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