Ephesians 4:11-13 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

The word “Evangelist” is only used 3 times in the scriptures. Let’s look at the standards of an overseer in the New Testament Church! Why would the role of an Evangelist be pushed more than a role of a Shepherd or Teacher in the body of Christ? If someone does not meet the requirements to be an overseer, do they have the Biblical right to still oversee a congregation? Are some teaching a made up role in order to side step the scriptures?

Notes For Evangelist, Shepherds, Teachers, Oh My!


10 Responses

  1. Thanks Colton,
    Is Kip still part of icc? Or did you leave? If you did, have you decided to continue the work Jesus started? If so, let me know when you send a mission near Oxford please.

  2. A lot of truth being taught here. Proud of you and your wife for standing up for what is right. I hope preaching this truth will have an impact and help those who have been gaslit by fine sounding arguments. Keep it up. Would love to chat with you some if you don’t mind reaching out via email. I had a few thoughts on some scriptures that you might like to hear, would also love to hear what you are doing now.

        • Because I have provided my phone number, I have been able to connect with many people. I understand the concern, but it’s more important to be available for the people who need us.

  3. Hey Coltin thank you so much for sharing this with us, and for opening up your life and showing us the process you and your family are going through now. If you feel like you’re alone, you’re not! We don’t think the same way about everything regarding Christian doctrine, but I have deep respect for you and what you’re doing as a lone voice challenging the “religious authorities” that have surrounded you for so many years. It reminds me a bit of Jesus challenging the Pharisees. Stay courageous!

    Speaking of sneering religious “authorities” feeling insecure about one guy challenging them, it appears what you’re doing has not gone unnoticed by the ICC leadership at large. In the CAICC winter workshops last weekend, Jason D addressed you indirectly during the 2nd point of his Sunday speech, decrying all the “garbage” that “a lot of people” have been saying about “compulsion” lately. You can go look for yourself if you want, but it was a pathetic twisting of 2 Corinthians 9: 7 in an attempt to make it mean that if a person feels that their giving is under compulsion, then it’s their own fault for having a heart that isn’t “compelled by Christ” to give. You see, if Christ’s love compels you, then you’ll never feel that any giving is under compulsion. He charismatically made his argument with much arm-waving and pacing about the podium, allowing pauses for the audience to yell and scream in support. There’s just an air of desperate sleaziness to it all, like a literal bully pulpit. I can imagine the Pharisees had a nervous laugh amongst themselves as well after Jesus had finished scripturally and rhetorically tearing them apart for their arrogance and hypocrisy. Don’t let it discourage you!

    I have immense respect for your wife Mandee as well, and her defense of motherhood as a Christian virtue. Please give her my best!

  4. Thank you Coltin for this clear sermon. All Kip and his regional leaders oversee is their own wealth and feeding their own ego, not looking after the flock. and unlike Paul, Kip McKean buys millions of dollars worth of property when he should be buying tents while the ICC disciples have no money for food!

  5. “Why would the role of an Evangelist be pushed more?”

    Because Kip is an evangelist and would rather chew on broken glass than submit to the authority of elders.

    BTW, has anyone ever witnessed “evangelist” Kip perform any real evangelism? I’m not talking about wining and dining the “sharp” people who live in his neigborhood, or preaching sermons to (mainly) Christians in a hotel ballroom at a planned church event…….but actually hitting the mean streets of LA and preaching the gospel in a crowded public square like Paul and Barnabas did? That’s literally what his job title, translated from the Greek, means.

    In the secular world, if I don’t perform the work specified by my job title, I get fired.

    And regarding flying first class……those days will soon be over – because something tells me that a private Learjet isn’t too far behind, and when it happens he’ll justify/spiritualize it the same way Ken Copeland did:


  6. You could have gone even further about the qualification of an overseer, especially on the statement, the husband of one wife and as you know they’re
    Evangelists, that been divorced and remarried with there first covenant wife still living leading churches which Jesus called adultery, Luke 16:18

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