Prepare For A Positive Birth Experience

Preparing For A Positive Birth Experience

There are many ways to prepare for a positive birth experience. Motherhood is a gift, and bringing our children into the world can be an encouraging experience. The joy of having children is simply indescribable. I’m a mother of two beautiful girls, and my third daughter is due in May. My husband, daughters, and I are excited to welcome another member to our family. The first two birthing experiences I had were challenging. Despite the challenges it was worth every second of discomfort it took for me to birth my children into the world. I thank God for my children, and I’m so grateful that I get to be their mommy! I’m just a bit more determined this time around to pinpoint mistakes I made as I previously headed into labor. For that reason I’m preparing for what I hope to be an easier experience birthing my third.

My number 1 mistake made going into labor and delivery

My number 1 mistake going into previous birthing experiences was that I brought so much fear along with me. I made the unfortunate decision to be afraid. With my first daughter I had no real idea of what to expect. I had been conditioned by movies, and stories that led me to believe that I had every reason to be fearful. Sure I was very excited, but I was also tense and pretty terrified at times. Being someone who already struggles with anxiety, my heading into the hospital in this state only set me up to have a less than positive experience.

5 Ways I’m preparing for a positive birth experience

1. Setting Myself Free From Fear

I’m preparing for a positive birth experience. As I mentioned earlier the biggest mistake I made going into previous labors was that I brought a crippling amount of fear with me. How unfortunate is that? The day we birth our children is one of the most joyous occasions we will ever experience! This time around I refuse to go into this celebratory time with a dark cloud of dread, fear, and uncertainty looming in my mind. Instead I am eagerly and actively looking forward to the day I get to give birth to my third baby girl! What an honor, and absolute blessing that God has given me.

2. Seeking Advice From Positive Professionals

Something that has really helped me overcome my hurdle of fear is my seeking advice from positive professionals. Seeking out positive birth stories to watch on YouTube, and webinars that are both educational and up lifting has been instrumental in my preparation. Embracing the teachings on the power of positive affirmations has helped me change the way I think. Additionally, I follow accounts on instagram and Facebook that are dedicated to highlighting positive birthing experiences. These positive tools have greatly benefited me. Iv’e also unapologetically said goodbye to medical care providers. More specifically I have moved on from anyone who has lacked positivity, or was not an encouraging fit for me. I’m committed to having appropriate care during this special time in my life.

3. Revitalizing Walks That Refresh The Mind And Prepare The Body

I must admit I am so happy that we are beginning to see the first signs of spring outside. The snow is melting, the sun is shining and the weather is finally warming up. This winter has been beautiful, but also frigid. I love seeing the snow melt away from my yard as it helps me feel motivated to get outdoors! My number one form of exercise (only form haha) is that I really enjoy going on long walks. Long warm walks to be exact. This benefits and prepares not only my body to give birth, but it is so good for me both emotionally & spiritually. ( I have no affiliation with the website babycenter, but I recommend reading the safety tips they offer for pregnant women who go on walks.)

4. Powerful prayers of faith, and surrender

Walking is a great way to exercise, and it helps me to feel refreshed mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The best walks are the ones with my family where either we all pray together, or the kids run and play while my husband and I pray. I’m striving to pray more faithful prayers, and I want to bring my requests before God with a heart full of both trust and surrender. I want to feel close to my Heavenly Father at all times, and this includes both preparing for, and while I’m giving birth. I’m presenting my requests to him, and trusting him to protect baby and I through this process. This is for me the most important step in my preparation for a positive birth experience.

5. Using My Voice For Victory

Another mistake made was my inability to victoriously vocalize what was not ok with me. I was uncomfortable with but didn’t feel like I had any authority. If I could go back to my last birthing experience certain people would have been asked to leave the room immediately. Complete strangers were invited in to witness me give birth, and it made me feel overwhelmed, and uncomfortable. I felt like a helpless spectacle on display for what turned out to be students educational purposes. It was a “teaching” hospital, and so I suppose this is the norm? I didn’t ask that they leave because I didn’t know what was going on. I may have felt that they were there for my benefit. Looking back I’m convinced their presence was solely academic. Next time I will use my voice to victoriously communicate my needs.

Happy Positive Birthing,

Mandee Rohn


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