Matthew 18 Has Been Done!

Matthew 18 Has Been Done!

Do you see doctrine issues with the ICC and want to find fellowship elsewhere? Unsure about how to go about it; because, you have heard leadership criticize others for not going “about it” the right way? What is the right way to go about it? Matthew 18:15-20 is the correct steps, and it’s already been done! Therefore, you do not need to go through the pain of manipulation, criticism, and slander in one on one meetings. You do not need to go and bring the false doctrines to leaderships attention; because, it’s already been done by those who have gone before you.


One response to “Matthew 18 Has Been Done!”

  1. Kathi Bell Avatar
    Kathi Bell

    You make an excellent point.
    Frankly, I’m having a hard time finding a situation like the current ICC/ICOC is in to be described in an apples to apples way. My feeling is the scriptures that address false teachers are a little more related. We have found ourselves in a situation where the leaders that are leading the flock are lying and operating outside the law. A similar situation had never presented itself like that in the days of the First Century Church. So I agree, anyone that wants to no longer associate with the ORGANIZATIONS of the ICC/ICOC is under no biblical obligation to follow the steps in Matthew 18. God and Jesus have been very clear about what our response should be in the current situation: FOLLOW GOD, NOT MAN, obey the laws of the land and don’t lie!!

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