These seven tips are doable for any parent, and they have greatly encouraged our kids to be excited about dinner time. I hope they enrich your family dinner times very soon!
  1. Encourage your kids to look through cookbooks and have them bookmark what they’d like to try! Communicate that you will allow modifications to what they choose as they may think the pictured meal looks delicious except for all the pepper they see. 
  2. Next, take the time to cook the meals they chose! I did this, and my oldest and pickiest eater cleaned her plate! My youngest was delighted to see her meal choice on the table! She loved seeing everyone enjoy it, and she appeared to feel as though it were something she gave to the family.
  3. Furthermore, involve them in the cooking! My girls feel so trusted, helpful, and accomplished when I let them help out. Their participation also helps them want to try out what “they” made! (Establish kitchen rules, and demonstrate appropriate safety measures)
  4.  Make dinner time quality time. The dinner table should be a no-phone zone (This is a personal goal in 2021 and beyond). Electronics at the dinner table hinder meaningful conversation that deepens family bonds. 
  5. Ask them what the highlight of their day was, and allow them to share something about their day that had them a little down. I believe kids will look forward to mealtime if they see the family table as a place they will be seen and heard. 
  6. Occasionally reward a child that ate well with dessert. 
  7. Finally, ask your children to help with the cleanup. Giving children responsibility fosters an appreciation in them for all the hard work that their parents do! Bear in mind that they are only kids once and so allow their duties to be light. Requesting that they carry dishes from the table to the sink may suffice. 

I hope these tips are helpful to you, and that they prove beneficial at your next family dinner! Remember to swing by our tiktok to see all of our latest posts!

With Love,

Mandee Rohn


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