A few simple tips to help you cope with morning sickness

Morning Sickness can be so uncomfortable! If you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance morning sickness has set in on you. Sadly those waves of nausea, food aversions, and vomiting can zap some of the bliss you feel as an expectant mom. Sure, you’re grateful to be carrying your precious little one, but that doesn’t mean it’s not challenging. I have three adorable little girls, and I thank God for them! However, all three of my pregnancies took a toll on me both physically and emotionally. So I’d like to share with you five tips to help you manage your morning sickness.
#1 A Positive Mindset Helps With Morning Sickness
If you are anything like me when I was in the thick of my morning sickness, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Trying to cope with your physical discomfort, the longevity of the illness, exhaustion mounting tasks, feelings of helplessness, and defeat can take a severe toll. Couple all that with the time you spend wracking your brain as to what sounds good enough to eat can leave you feeling pretty down and out. So let me encourage you on the importance of your mindset. Remember that this is a phase, and this will soon enough be a distant memory. A few things to be mindful of as you endure this chapter of your pregnancy:
A. Morning Sickness can be a sign of a healthy baby!! (According to MayoClinic and other resources, Studies have shown that women with nausea and vomiting during the first trimester have a lower risk of miscarriage than women without these symptoms. )
B. Morning Sickness is temporary, and you will feel better soon
C. You are incredibly strong
D. Your precious child is so worth what you are going through
#2 Find Foods You Can Eat
Morning sickness can worsen if you let yourself get hungry, and it’s hard not to get hungry when you find yourself saying, “nothing sounds good.” So the solution? Find a few foods that do sound good. I know that’s likely easier said than done. I found myself racking my brain just trying to think of something or just anything. Figuring out what to eat was hard to do, especially when one of the things that came to mind was a dutch pancake I had 15 years prior at a restaurant in a different state. So I had to keep thinking. My encouragement is that you push yourself to think through enough foods until something does sound good. For me, it was cream of wheat, fruit smoothies, and milkshakes. When you find what sounds good, it may also taste good, and it’s ok to eat the same thing day after day.
#3 Communicate Aversions
Certain smells may trigger nausea or vomiting. With that said, those in your household must know that so they can be sensitive. Don’t expect people to understand how you feel and what smells you can’t stand. Gently communicate. This last time around, I couldn’t stand the smell of garlic; fortunately, I can enjoy it again and just cooked with it today!
#4 Significant Self-Care
If stuck in bed, it can become challenging to take care of yourself. However, taking care of yourself may help you feel better, and it can also prevent further suffering later on. It’s essential to care for yourself physically, emotionally, and also spiritually. Physically: Most importantly, eat and stay hydrated! In addition to lots of water and electrolytes you may enjoy a hot cup of morning sickness tea, or candies designed to help calm your stomach. Also, as hard as it may be to get into the shower, it may ease your discomfort. If certain smells help you feel at ease, then consider using body washes with that scent. For instance, you may find comfort from the scent of lemon, and so citrus-scented body wash may help you find some consolation. If you are vomiting, use mouthwash afterward, and make sure you brush well. If you vomit often, try to avoid over-brushing as it can damage your teeth. At the very least, make sure you are rinsing well afterward as, unfortunately, the acidic environment vomiting creates in your mouth can result in a variety of dental problems both during pregnancy and postpartum. Emotionally: Talk to a loved one about how you’re doing, consider joining support groups on social media or journaling. Spiritually: Seeking God with all one’s heart brings about superlative happiness. Generally, spending time with God consists of reading the scriptures and time spent in prayer. There may be days you feel like reading is challenging. On those days, I encourage you to watch the visual bible or listen to the audio that apps like bible gateway offers. Keep up your spiritual strength as it’s essential to your wellbeing.
#5 Find A Good Distraction
Nausea is not something you easily forget you have; however, finding something to enjoy or look forward to will help take your mind off it. Find a hobby (like drawing, reading, or writing) that you can do from the comfort of your bed or couch and/or find a good series on TV. Entertainment makes the time pass a little more pleasantly. My best encouragement for working moms of multiples is to take advantage of whatever help is offered to you. Some days I’ve had my older children hang out in bed with me and watch TV. I know many mamas are very particular about screen time, but this sickness is just a season, and a good movie here and there can help you and your family get through it.
I hope these tips are of help to you & again congratulations on your pregnancy!
You’ll feel better soon,
Mandee Rohn
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